Event 28/06/2024: "How to consider biodiversity in investment strategies"
Towards Sustainability organises its first thematic event "How to consider biodiversity in investment strategies" on Friday 28 June 2024, in Brussels.
Biodiversity is considered even more critical than climate change, however, until now it has played a relatively minor role in sustainable investing. Integration of biodiversity is not straight-forward mainly due to data and measurement issues, but progress is being made. Several international experts from financial and non-financial stakeholders will exchange views on how biodiversity is or could be integrated into investment decisions.
This event will be an opportunity to meet and network with representatives from civil society, asset managers, think tanks, academics, etc. It aims to foster an open dialogue and share knowledge about biodiversity and to better understand the expectations of civil society and policymakers towards the financial sector on this issue. The event will also be streamed. Please note this event is primarily aimed at biodiversity and sustainable finance experts.
9:00: Coffee and registration
9:30: Plenary session
- Welcome & Introduction - Tom Van den Berghe, Managing Director, Towards Sustainability Labelling Agency
- Challenges, opportunities and expectations of civil society and policymakers towards the financial sector and biodiversity - Sebastien Godinot, Senior economist, WWF Europe
- How do we set targets on nature? - Diane Roissard, Head of Data and Corporate Engagement, Finance for Biodiversity
- Best practices about biodiversity integration in investment strategies - Lucian Peppelenbos, Climate & Biodiversity Strategist, Robeco
- Managing nature-related financial risks - from understanding to action - Emine Isciel, Head of Climate and Environment, Storebrand
11:40: Panel discussion and Q&A
Participants: Sebastien Godinot, Diane Roissard, Lucian Peppelenbos, Emine Isciel and Quentin Meekers (Business Action Advisor, Business for Nature)
Moderator: Philippe Diaz, Founder bendnotbreak, Member of the SR TEG at EFRAG
12:45: Closing remarks - Olivier Marquet, Chairman Towards Sustainability Labelling Agency
12:50: Networking lunch
Friday 28 June 2024 from 9:00 to 14:00
TownHall Europe
5 Square de Meeûs
1000 Brussels