
Junior Future Plan

Class 26 Insurance contract

General info

ManagerAG Insurance
ProducttypeClass 26 Insurance contract
Latest update23-01-2025

SFDR disclosure information

Data not yet available

Product discloses in line with Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088: Product promoting environmental or social characteristics

Sustainability strategies used


ESG due diligence using the 'double materiality' perspective


Exclusion of harmful activities

Norms & standards

Respect for international norms & standards

Best performers

Investing in companies with the highest ESG ratings: overall, per industry, sector or region

Beating benchmark

Building the investment portfolio so that overall it scores better than a benchmark on one or more ESG indicators


Engaging in a dialogue with and/or exercising voting rights in the companies invested in

Exposure to controversial sectors


Data not yet available

In % of the portfolio.


Data not yet available

In % of the portfolio.

Controversial weapons

Data not yet available

In % of the portfolio.


Data not yet available

In % of the portfolio.

Arctic Oil and Gas Exploration

Data not yet available

In % of the portfolio.

Oil Sands Extraction

Data not yet available

In % of the portfolio.

Conventional oil & gas production

Data not yet available

In % of the portfolio.

Non-renewable energy generation

Data not yet available

In % of the portfolio.

Nuclear energy generation

Data not yet available

In % of the portfolio.

Adverse impact indicators


Carbon footprint

Data not yet available

In tonnes per million EUR.

GHG intensity

Data not yet available

In tonnes per million EUR.

Fossil fuel involvement

Data not yet available

In % of the portfolio.

Non-renewable energy consumption

Data not yet available

In % of the portfolio.

Negative effect on biodiversity

Data not yet available

In % of the portfolio.

Emissions to water

Data not yet available

In tonnes per million EUR.

Water withdrawal Intensity

Data not yet available

In m3 per million USD.

Hazardous waste

Data not yet available

In tonnes per million EUR.

UNGC principles/ OECD guidelines violations

Data not yet available

In % of the portfolio.

Gender pay gap

Data not yet available

In %.

Female board members

Data not yet available

In % of female board members of the underlying holdings.


Carbon intensity

Data not yet available

In % of the portfolio.

Social violations

Data not yet available

In number of countries.

Sustainability impact

Impact themes

Data not yet available

Top 3 SDGs

Data not yet available

EU Taxonomy

EU Taxonomy alignment

Data not yet available

In % of the portfolio.

Other portfolio details

Can derivatives be used in the portfolio management?
Does the portfolio contain use-of-proceeds instruments?
Can the product practice securities lending?
Does the product practice short selling?
Does the product invest in unlabelled underlying products?
Important Notice
  • The information on this website is merely intended to help investors understand how financial products that have been awarded the “Towards Sustainability”label apply the requirements of the Towards Sustainability label to certain financial products.
  • The information on this website is no marketing material and some of the products might not be registered for public distribution in Belgium.
  • The information on this website does not constitute an invitation to invest in the financial products referred on this website. Persons considering investing in those financial products should refer to the website of the manufacturer of the product and consult all relevant product information and documents before doing so. They should also consider whether the relevant products are suitable for them, given their knowledge and experience, their financial situation and their investment objectives and needs.
  • The information on this website is not intended to provide any personal advice or recommendation (including but not limited to financial, investment, tax, accounting or legal advice).
  • The information on this website is for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, an offer to sell or a solicitation of any offer to buy the financial products, especially not in jurisdictions where to do so would constitute a violation of the relevant law.
  • The release, publication or distribution of the materials on this website in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law. Persons in such jurisdictions into which they are released, published or distributed, should inform themselves about, and observe, such restrictions.
  • Note that not all products are offered to retail clients in Belgium.
  • The information on this website is based on information received from the product manager and on external data sources. The information on this website will be updated from time to time. No investment decisions should be based relying only on the information on this website.

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