A sustainable product
for everyone
Constituting the lower bound of ESG integration, the Towards Sustainability label makes a sustainable product available for every kind of investor. It’s a safe minimum limit to expand upon with your personal sustainable preferences and expectations. Get informed before you talk with your bank or investment advisor. The Sustainability ID provides all necessary information in an understandable format.
Products from more than 90 managers have obtained the Towards Sustainability label.
Use the search box or the extensive filter options to find your labelled product.
How much better the product performs on these indicators, in comparison to its product category average. Detailed information on the indicators can be found on the full Sustainability ID.
Based on data from Morningstar/Sustainalytics
Based on data from Morningstar/Sustainalytics
LO Funds - Global Climate Bond
(Mutual) Fund in category EAA Fund Global Bond>50%better
Data not yet available
not better
Top impact theme
Climate Action
LO Funds - Global FinTech
(Mutual) Fund in category EAA Fund Sector Equity Technology>75%better
not better
Top impact theme
Basic Needs